September 12, 2018 Should Canada ban all handguns and assault weapons?Yes (0.00%)No (100.00%)Previous Polls September 11, 2018 Do you believe in love at first sight?Yes (100.00%)No (0.00%)Previous Polls September 10, 2018 Would you be in favour of the 3 Maritime provinces merging into one-let’s call it Atlantica-if you would save 10 percent on your taxes?(One provincial government, one premier, one cabinet, one license plate etc.)Yes (100.00%)No (0.00%)Previous Polls September 7, 2018 Ontario has introduced “a buck a beer” legislation which lowers the minimum price that can be charged for a beer to one dollar.Would you be in favour of this here?Yes, it would save me money (100.00%)No, it just encourages more drinking (0.00%)Previous Polls September 6, 2018 Are you happy the kids are back to school?Yes. I’ve been counting down the days (0.00%)No. I’d like to spend more time with them (0.00%)Previous Polls September 5, 2018 China, Iran, North Korea and some states in the United States have the death penalty.Should Canada bring back the death penalty?Yes (0.00%)No (0.00%)Maybe, but only in exceptional circumstances (0.00%)Previous Polls September 4, 2018 With the provincial election coming up later this month, what do you see as being the most important issue?The economy (0.00%)Education (0.00%)Health care (0.00%)The environment (0.00%)Previous Polls August 31, 2018 The last day of August is considered to be the last day of summer by meteorologists.How would you rate this summer’s weather?One of the best ever (0.00%)One of the better ones (0.00%)About average (0.00%)Not that good (0.00%)Terrible (0.00%)Previous Polls August 30, 2018 Gas prices are regulated in all of the Maritime provinces but they aren’t in provinces like Ontario.What do you think of gas price regulation?I’m for it.We have more predictability (0.00%)I’m against it.It costs money for regulation.Let the marketplace decide. (0.00%)Previous Polls August 29, 2018 In some countries and cities, single use plastic bags are banned.Should single use plastic bags be banned across the province?Yes- it’s all about the environment (0.00%)No- it’s about convenience (0.00%)Previous Polls